Rushanara Ali MP statement following resignation of Boris Johnson

Following the resignation of Boris Johnson as Leader of the Conservative party, Rushanara Ali MP said:

"The news of Boris Johnson’s resignation will be a relief to people across the country.

However, this resignation is long overdue and those Conservative Ministers and MPs who propped up this Government that has presided over scandal after scandal, while people have suffered, have much to answer for.

In Bethnal Green and Bow, we have suffered months of chaos at the heart of government while so many problems have stacked up. The response to the pandemic was muddled and cost lives, including in Tower Hamlets where 623 people have lost their lives to Covid-19. And we now face a cost of living crisis that shows no signs of easing, hitting constituencies like Bethnal Green and Bow, where 56% of children live in poverty, hardest. Meanwhile this Government has brazenly wasted taxpayer money, writing off billions of pounds lost to fraud. We need a change of Government and a new direction for our country, not just a new Tory at the top.”


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    commented on Rushanara Ali MP statement following resignation of Boris Johnson 2022-07-07 12:18:14 +0100
    Very bold & straight forward statement highlighting the financial irregularities ocurred in UK during the reign of Boris Johnson led goverent. Though brief in form its content was a protesting one as it focussed on carelessness & untransparent spending of taxpayers’ money in His tenure when common people suffered a lot and many innocent ones fell a victim to terrific COVID-19 pandemic & lost their lives having no sufficient treatment measure to fight against this unforeseen maladies. Congratulations for your patriotic brave statement. Go ahead and our best wishes always remain for you.
    published Rushanara Ali MP statement following resignation of Boris Johnson in Latest News 2022-07-07 11:19:36 +0100