MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, Rushanara Ali, attended Stepney City Farms’ launch of The Barn and Rural Arts Centre - opening up gallery space for temporary exhibitions and educational opportunities for the wider community. Crossrail provided the Barn and Rural Arts Centre as compensation for the land from the Farm.
Rushanara Ali said:
“I was delighted to be invited to the launch of The Barn and The Rural Arts Centre at Stepney City Farm and had a fantastic time meeting with local residents. It was great to see the local community get together to celebrate the opening of these new projects which will provide improved facilities for locals and the farm animals.
“Stepney City Farm has provided a unique experience for local residents for many years and has grown to become an integral part of the community – providing an escape from the busy city where children and adults are able to enjoy the farm and take part in educational or recreational activities. I congratulate Stepney City Farm, its trustees and all those who were involved in carrying out this successful event and wish them all the best.”