Rushanara Ali MP's statement on police officers breaking covid-19 regulations

On 26 January, 31 Central East Metropolitan Police officers have been fined £200 fixed penalty notice after breaching Covid-19 regulations to get haircuts at Bethnal Green police station while on duty.



Rushanara Ali MP said: 

"I am deeply disappointed by the serious breach of Covid-19 regulations by 31 Central East Metropolitan Police officers at the Bethnal Green Police Station. This is completely unacceptable given how hard Tower Hamlets has been hit by Covid-19.

Their actions undermine the sacrifices the public have made in following the Covid-19 regulations and the work of all our hardworking police officers that serve our community and our country.

I have been assured by the Borough Commander Marcus Barnett that the officers involved in organising the breach are under investigation for misconduct and that all 31 officers have received a £200 fixed penalty notice. I’ve also been assured that all necessary action will be taken to ensure that breaches such as these aren’t repeated."


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