“I am shocked and appalled by the violence that we have seen on the Israel-Gaza border and utterly condemn the Israeli government’s horrific actions that led to deaths of 59 innocent Palestinian people and thousands left with injuries. 6 of those murdered were children.
The President of the United States’ imprudent decision to move the U.S. embassy, alongside Netanyahu’s outrageous targeting of unarmed civilians, has exacerbated the conflict and made peaceful negotiations significantly harder to achieve.
I support the UN Secretary General’s calls for an independent and transparent investigation. The UK should lead calls for the UN Security Council to order such an investigation which must urgently determine whether international law has been broken so that any parties found to have done so can be held to account.
I believe the UK should also review the sale of arms that could be used in violation of international law in light of the events in Gaza. The latest escalation of violence reminds us of the pressing need to work towards the two-state solution that we all want to see: a secure Israel living in peace alongside a viable state of Palestine and an end to the senseless cycle of violence.
All sides must urgently come together at the negotiating table to bring an end to this conflict and achieve a long-term peace agreement. The recent actions of President Trump and Netanyahu have only put a peaceful resolution at further risk. I join others in repeating calls for an end to the blockade of Gaza and Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, as well as an end to terror attacks and incitement.”
Notes to Editors:
- You can watch Rushanara’s intervention during the Urgent Question on Gaza here: https://goo.gl/k6NkwF