MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, Rushanara Ali, attended the Half Moon Theatre’s reopening activities and arts ceremony following its 4-month closure for major refurbishment works. The project was endorsed by Dame Helen Mirren and supported by a number of organisations.
Rushanara Ali said:
“I was delighted to attend the reopening of the Half Moon Young People’s Theatre in Tower Hamlets. The Theatre provides a platform for young people living in my constituency to explore the world of the arts and I very much enjoyed the festivities of the reopening ceremony.
“I met with local professional artists as well as young talented individuals who have benefitted greatly from the Half Moon Theatre in pursuing their passion for the arts and am grateful to those organisations who have invested heavily in the refurbishment project.
“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those who took part in the reopening ceremony and thank those who helped showcase an impressive display of talent.”