Rushanara Ali MP for Bethnal Green and Bow has responded to the news of two further cycling-related deaths in her constituency. A young man was struck by a bus at the junction of Whitechapel Road and Commercial Road in Aldgate yesterday and, on the morning of the same day, a young lady was also tragically killed after being struck by a lorry at Bow roundabout.
Rushanara Ali said: “I am deeply saddened to learn of the deaths of two cyclists in my constituency. I remain very concerned about the lack of safety for London’s cycling community, particularly in East London where a number of fatal accidents have occurred and cost lives.”
“We simply cannot have Londoners who choose to cycle facing these kinds of risks. No-one should have to worry about fatal accidents while moving around the city, especially not when using such an environmentally friendly form of transport. I have for some time warned Mayor Johnson that he must take urgent action and ensure Transport for London works to improve cycle safety, but these warnings have fallen on deaf ears. I call on the Mayor of London to get his act together and take urgent action to protect cyclists and prevent further fatalities”.
Rushanara said: “I have asked for an urgent meeting with TFL in the coming days on this critical issue and I hope the message from these tragic deaths is clear: unless significant work is undertaken urgently, people's lives will continue to be at risk here in London."
In September, Rushanara Ali MP spoke in the Private Members’ Bill on Cycling. During the debate at the House of Commons, on September 2, Rushanara said: “I fully support... the need for investment to make roads safer, for drivers as well as cyclists. What can be done to reduce the number of minor and major injuries, which have increased by 29% in the past year—a dramatic increase since the period between 2005 and 2009?”