Rushanara Ali MP attended a meeting organised by local residents to discuss the Ministry of Defence' s plans to base surface to air missiles on Lexington Building Water Tower in Bow Quarter during the Olympic Games. Over 200 people attended the meeting in Bow.
Rushanara Ali said:
The Ministry of Defence completely failed to consult and engage with the residents of Bow about basing surface to air missiles on Lexington Building Water Tower during the Olympic Games.
At the public meeting organised by local residents, it was made clear to me that there is still much uncertainty surrounding the MoD's plans. The very least the MoD could have done is sent a representative to the meeting to provide an explanation to residents.
Residents have a right to know what the implications of having missiles based on their roof tops will be. I now call on the MoD to co-operate and provide some clarity on this issue to my constituents.